Saturday, 21 May 2011

laptop bags2011

laptop bags2011

laptop bags2011

 laptop bags2011
 laptop bags2011
 laptop bags2011
 laptop bags2011
laptop bags 2011 

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Girl raped by the President of the International Monetary Fund betrayed

 What a loud Mphajouah delay in the global and French to the point of regard. The girl who accused the President of the International Monetary Fund is raped and has a veiled Muslim girl in the ninth-year-old working to provide food and breeding them. It works as a cleaner at one of the major hotels in New York.
When asked about the victim's brother if the sister had fabricatedthe case to the President of the International Monetary Fund, the French nationality and the most prominent candidate for the next French presidential elections. My sister said that a Muslim girlwearing a veil and know God and do not have in these games. Andthat she had betrayed Qtah slope of the assets in Guinea from the heart of Africa 
what  amazing !!! 

Monday, 16 May 2011

the sun rises from the weast

the sun rises from te west !!! yes it is  thr true scientific fact  . i can say now that thin scienbtific fact been mendtioned un the islamic religion  , this scientific fact there is already avalbule mars . that nasa  said that > in order to evey cilibirat . and  we can now saw the sun mor than Temperature